after my research on should they raise min. wage my opinion is…


I think they should not worry about minimum wage right now because everything right now is sky high and barely anyone can afford anything right now. Yes i am a min. wage worker myself, I live with my dad and don’t have any bills to pay. So with that said working for min. wage should only teach youngsters the value of a dollar and a hard day at work. You can’t survive off of it or evening a family can’t live off of min wage. Average pay check is like $300 dollars that’s with taxes taking out, getting paid every other week. That is your rent right there, you don’t have any money left over for food, gas, or any other bills. No one can’t afford it that probably everyone is in and out of relationships because they are trying to survive. But if min. wage goes up so does the cost of living. Which will be in the same vote when it goes up, but in a deeper hole. So my opinion is that they need to concentrate on the inflation, lower it somehow. I found a inflation calculator on the internet, I plugged in 1933 (because that when minimum wage started) and then put $7.95 (our minimum wage now), then I chosen the year 2014, it said that our minimum wage now had the same buying power back then as $143.58. Imagined getting paid that much an hour that would awesome. But the government didn’t keep up on inflation and want to know why our price of living is so high. I think if they try to bring it down enough cost of living will not be so bad. But all the government want to do is spend, spend, and spend.

more facts about min. wage


only 1% of min wage worker are earning the us labor force wage. which means up to 1.5 millions or Americans earn federal min wage. most of them either works in sales or in preparing food, which are mostly part time jobs who only get 30 hours or less a week. 32% of those min wage workers are full time, 39% of min wage workers are men. theses full time min wage workers are going to make 24% above the poverty line. if minimum wage was to raise it make cause benefits problems like getting retirement and some kind of insurance. mostly the age groups that work for min wage is from 16-25 years old. most of them are either drop outs or people who don’t have the skills to find or choose to find a better to job. 

which states has the highest paid min. wage?


8 out of 50 states have the highest paid min wage workers. the states are

1. Washington (highest)

  • min wage: $9.19
  • poverty rate: 13.5% (19th lowest)
  • union participation:18.4%(4th highest)
  • cost of living: 15th highest

2. Oregon min. wage: $8.95

3. Vermont min wage: $8.60

4. Connecticut min. wage: $8.25

5. Illinois min wage: $8.25

6. Nevada min. wage: $8.25

7.California min. wage: $8.00

8. Massachusetts

  • min. wage: $8.00 tied for 7th highest
  • poverty rate: 11.9% 11th lowest
  • union participation: 14.3% 12th highest
  • cost of living: 8th highest



seeing the difference between Massachusetts and Washington kind of makes me wonder if we should bother trying with min wage because Washington wage is like nine dollars an hour  and they have the highest poverty between the two. when Massachusetts is like eight dollars and hour and their poverty is lower than Washington so how is raising the wage gonna help all of us?



if you would like to see the other states levels go to:


Minimum wage by U.S. state and U.S. territory(American SamoaGuamPuerto RicoVirgin Islands), as of January 1, 2014.

 (green) States with minimum wage rates higher than the federal rate
  (blue) States and territories with minimum wage rates the same as the federal rate
   (yellow) States with no state minimum wage law
  (red) States and territories with minimum wage rates lower than the federal rate
  (dark yellow) Territory with varied minimum wage rates lower than the federal rate
7 out of 50 states do not have min wage customs.


map of the states min. wage rates

the history of minimum wage…


In 1938 president Franklin D. Roosevelt created the minimum wage law called the Fair Labor Acts it was designed to show people their limits about working. He created the 40 hour work week, and $.25 an hour which would equal somewhere like $4.07 an hour today. By 1945 the wage was up to $.40 an hour and around this time they started prohibiting child labor. Roosevelt design this to help with the Great Depression trying to create more flow through the economy.  Over the years minimum wage has gone up causing problems with work force between black and whites, men and women of getting paid the paid less than one another so mainly black and women had sit-in which lead to advantage the equal pay act of 1963 which stopped discrimination in the work place. They gave women maternity leave and same pay as anyone else. By 1996 min. wage was up to $5.15 an hour and has increased since then to catch up with the price of living. So the act of 1933 established our National Employment Services of USA. So thank Franklin D. Roosevelt who created min. wage if he didn’t any business could say “hey, you’re working a dollar and that guy can work for $.25 cents.” Because when that took place it also brought the equal pay rights in with it. So who knows what our country would be like without our min wage? Scary that’s what it would be!



the minimum wage war!!!


The war of minimum wage is a battle ground. Everybody either wants the min wage to go up or stay where it’s at. Only 95% of the income gain in 2009, but only 1% of that earned anything from it. Private business owners added over 8 million jobs, but two thirds are minimum wage jobs. The stereotype of a minimum wage worker is a teen flipping burgers and saving beer money, which is 1 in 4 min wage worker would be a teen. More than half of the min wage worker is 25 years old or older. “Today’s minimum wage would be 30% pay cut in 1968. But for the inflation calculate $7.25 in 1968 would have the same buying power $48.00 today. This has declined the value of income inequality and is hard to make it in this world today.” said Arindrajit dube, the labor economist University of Massachusetts Amherst. He also said “we could prevent it just by pegging the min wage cost of living.” A minimum wage worker makes $15,080 a year. This is $8,000 below the poverty line. Minimum wage is always going to be a problem with the cost of living going sky high, making it really hard to make it ahead.

what minimum should be if government kept up on the inflation! $10.74


What is minimum wage?  It is the lowest possible wage by law that someone in the United States can work for per hour. The average working week for minimum wage is 40 hours. Which is overtime in most places like fast food restaurants. For the past couple of years we have been working at $7.25-$7.85 as min wage. Here recently it has gone up to $7.95. But is we all know it is very hard to live off of min wage it is impossible for a single parent to do so. our money is going sky rocket that it’s going to take an arm and a leg to make it, $1.00 should might as well be worth a penny now a days. Reason behind this is inflation.

What is inflation? Is increasing in prices and the falling of purchasing value of money. Meaning everything is getting pricey than it should be. One of the reason we are facing inflation is because we are importing goods from other countries and charging double so we can make a profit and pay the countries back. So the values of our dollar isn’t going to get us what we really need to survive. If the government had kept up on inflation or the price of living it would be $10.74 for minimum wage but yet that choose to ignore it thinking they was okay with it.


more facts:

reason why minimum wage should rise?


Reason why they should raise minimum wages:

It would create close to 160,000 jobs

More people would raise above the poverty line

Less people would need to take advantage of the government

If you think about the lowest paid, they are the once that are more than likely struggling.  They are the ones that are taking advantages of the social security or food stamps. If their wages was to raise they would not be able to qualify for those things until they was older or it would make it harder for them to get them. People who are taking advantage of the system when they don’t need it, should start looking for a job, because that why I think we are in so much debt.  Unless they really do need those things then they are just better off how they are now. If the minim wage would raise it would take our country debt down little. Because this country was made on people providing for themselves not the country providing for us! I think we have most definitely lost sight of that! Minimum wage is connected to so many different things and people are not thinking on how it is!

What is minimum wage connecting too?

Child support

Food stamps

Providing for yourself

Not having to live off the government

Being able to have freedom

Social security


Low income apartments

And much more!! If you sit down and think about it all of our problems begin with our income!


“The intuitive thinking on raising the minimum wage is straightforward: Raising the lowest wage that employers can pay will boost the paychecks of the lowest-paid workers and help pull them out of poverty. This line of logic persuaded 28 states to raise their minimum wage above the federal level between 2003 and 2007”————- cnn



should minimun wage be higher or stay the same?


i have mixed opinion about this topic, because people can’t live off $7.95 income the only type of people who can live off of this would be people who still live with thier parents or at home. theses are the people that can’t go to college and would like to or trying to make a living to feed thier families. my other opinion is that i can see that the business owners and managers doesn’t want to pay thier workers  higher than they have want too. but if people got paid a decent amount of money and is able to make a better living then now there will be less homeless, everyone would have less debet. but i feel like also if they raise minimun wage the business might end up threating the companys that we work for and end up closing or threating for closing, but if we do have a higher minimun wage then wouldn’t they be making more money??