after my research on should they raise min. wage my opinion is…


I think they should not worry about minimum wage right now because everything right now is sky high and barely anyone can afford anything right now. Yes i am a min. wage worker myself, I live with my dad and don’t have any bills to pay. So with that said working for min. wage should only teach youngsters the value of a dollar and a hard day at work. You can’t survive off of it or evening a family can’t live off of min wage. Average pay check is like $300 dollars that’s with taxes taking out, getting paid every other week. That is your rent right there, you don’t have any money left over for food, gas, or any other bills. No one can’t afford it that probably everyone is in and out of relationships because they are trying to survive. But if min. wage goes up so does the cost of living. Which will be in the same vote when it goes up, but in a deeper hole. So my opinion is that they need to concentrate on the inflation, lower it somehow. I found a inflation calculator on the internet, I plugged in 1933 (because that when minimum wage started) and then put $7.95 (our minimum wage now), then I chosen the year 2014, it said that our minimum wage now had the same buying power back then as $143.58. Imagined getting paid that much an hour that would awesome. But the government didn’t keep up on inflation and want to know why our price of living is so high. I think if they try to bring it down enough cost of living will not be so bad. But all the government want to do is spend, spend, and spend.

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